Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Welcome back!

It has been a very long time since I've updated this blog. I had to set it on private for personal reasons and then I stopped writing. So many people asked me about it and wanted me to start writing again. I wanted to give up on it for a while because I have a very hard time expressing myself in english and sometimes it takes me hours to write one post.
The reason why I'm making this blog public again is a message from a person I received a while ago. I don't know who she is or how old she is, the only thing I know is that she has cancer and that she said my blog gives her hope. And if I can change one persons life I will sacrifice my time and keep writing posts with bad grammar. You asked for it ;)
So many things happened. Good things, bad things and horrible things. I don't really know where to start.
I don't even remember the day anymore when I was diagnosed. People ask me "didn't the time just fly by, look how far you have come" No actually I feel like I had cancer for 25 years now.
Maybe I should start with the positive things that happened or changed since I have been diagnosed.
I have met some incredible people. All ages, ethnicity, religion. I found the good in people again. For me it seems like if someone is that vulnerable like me people have a natural instinct of trying to protect the other person. It is in our nature unless you are an evil person. And thanks to Facebook I've gotten so much support from all over the world, even from people who couldn't stand me years ago.
I learned to let go of the people who didn't care enough and hold on to those who do. I've learned where happiness comes from and what unconditional love means. I learned how a positive attitude can change everything and everyone around me.
I changed from a follower to a leader. I grew stronger.
But of course with cancer there are more bad moments than good. I can not tell you how sick and tired I am of hospitals and doctors. Scans, tests, treatments, drugs and decisions. Every time I think that I just had the worst procedure possible, they put me through something more traumatic. And it's not the physical pain, it's a mental thing. Best example is my bone biopsy. How often do you have someone drill through your spine? That reminds me of a horror movie! It will take me a very long time to get over that.

After they have told me that my breast cancer has spread to my bones it changed my life forever. Before there was a chance for me to live a normal life but now I know nothing will ever be normal again.
At first I was done. I planned on getting ready to die. I expected my treatment to fail and believed the doctor who told me I had 2-10 years to live. I was ok with that. I thought I had a good life and knew at least I was going to heaven. Until one day I looked at my daughter and thought, who will fix her hair for prom? Her dad doesn't know how to do that. If you know me and my daughter than you will know I don't let many people touch her hair. She has very beautiful hair and I want it to stay that way. I cut it myself since she was a baby.
Then I thought who will teach her how to ride a bike or to swim? Who will teach her german or how to count? Who will be there to tell her she can't date until she is 35? Who will tell her how important she is and special. So I said, I need 16 years. That's my goal. I want to see her go to college and know that she will be able to take care of herself. That's all I'm asking for. And if it's in a wheelchair, I don't care.
My little girl needs her mom and I will fight to make sure I'm here for every important event in her life.

Right now I don't have a plan for the future. I don't even have a plan for tomorrow. I know god has a plan so I stopped planing.

Radiation is the next step. It kind of has a bitter feeling to it. This was suppose to be the last step. I was suppose to be done after that. Now I'm still trying to find peace with the fact that I will have cancer for the rest of my life. I hated it before, now I want to get along with it. I want to say: "hey cancer, we are kind of stuck together now so can we please get along? Can you please stop hurting me and just stay where you are so I don't have to tell the doctors to cut some of you out? I know you are stronger but if I die, you'll die with me." Weird I know...

I have more and more the desire to find the purpose of life. I research different theories and religions. I do have a little to much time on my hand and REALLY need to find a job now since I'm starting to feel better so I don't drive myself nuts. Because there are some crazy theories out there.

The best way for me to handle all this is to help others. Maybe it distracts me from my own sufferings, who knows.

I hope everyone is having a good week.
I promise to keep up with this blog again.


  1. That's all so sad. I can't stop crying. I can't believe how strong you are Danny. I'm so f.... Proud of you!

  2. Dani, Sonja has kept me up with your progress but I'm happy that you are blogging again. I pray that God will give you a good, long life. You are one brave lady! Kaye Simonetta

  3. Hey danni. Its keith and vonne. We keep up with ur blog because we know u have too much going on to talk. Stay strong and we luv u!!

  4. Dani, keep your head up, girl. You can fight this!

  5. You are such an inspiration, Dani. Stay strong!

  6. Dani, you are a beautiful and inspiring woman. Your strength is truly inspiring, and I am sure you will preservere, no matter what. You have touched the lives and hearts of many, including myself, a complete and utter stranger. Your battle is something that strikes a deep chord with me, and I share with you love and light through all those rough moments - the pain, the nausea, the unknowns - everything.

    Blessings to you and your daughter,
    LJ xo

  7. Sending love and prayers your way.

  8. Dani, you are such an inspirational example of love and courage! Your daughter is blessed to have a mom like you. I know from personal experience that a chronic illness is rough - there are days when you just cannot stand the thought of another blood test or doctor's office. But the beautiful things in life are worth the struggle. I'll be praying for you!

  9. You are beautiful, inside and out. It's obvious that you're loved, and that you return the love to the world...prayin' for you, girl.

  10. Wow! You are just... AMAZING. I mean, I saw the title of your blog and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Then I felt guilty for chuckling... but I feel like you wouldn't mind that? Anyways. You really are amazing, how strong you are. It's fantastic. You are in my thoughts and prayers - along with your family! Keep going. <3

  11. Dani, Not only are you strong and inspiring, you are beautiful inside and out. Know that your effort of writing the blog is worth it to those you many never know or meet. I am praying for your continued strength & healing. I pray that you see yourself the way your beautiful little girl sees you. Much love...Courtney Anne.

  12. Keep fighting. Keep inspiring people. Keep writing. Sending you love.

  13. Love Bomb sent me - reading your story makes me feel proud of you and we have never met. It sounds like you are courageous, strong and facing off with tough stuff. Keep strong, feel loved, you are.

    Rachel from Boston

  14. Dani, what a wonderful gift you are to your daughter (i know you think she is your gift too)! You are a strong, beautiful, unselfish woman. May you continue to have love and strength through it all. Many blessings.

  15. Your courage inspires and gives hope to others. I relate to your thoughts on those that stand by you in the hard times and letting go of those who do not. Your daughter has a role model unlike any other. Sending you prayers and peace.

  16. Dani, May you be filled with loving kindness, may you be well, may you be peaceful and at ease, may you be truly happy and free.....for at least the next 16 years.

    You will be in my prayers.

    Much love and pockets full of hugs.

    PS hugs lasting 20 seconds release addition to the rest of your treatments, get lots of hug treatments!!

  17. I recently went through cancer myself and this post resonates with me on so, so many levels. Never give up hope.

  18. Dani, You are utterly amazing, I am completely speechless after reading this blog, I can here to offer you love and support and instead found so much hope and joy. You said " I found the good in people again." I believe in the good in people because of you. You are the perfect example of the good in people. Soooo much light and love to you and yours from us, So many prayers and hopes going to you from us.... You Said ". And if I can change one persons life I will sacrifice my time and keep writing posts with bad grammar" Today you will have changed Hundreds of peoples lives. You have changed mine, for the better... God Bless you in your fight! You are a miracle.

  19. Dani,

    I absolutely love your statement "I know god has a plan so I stopped planing." I pray that the faith that led you to make that statement is renewed in you daily and that God brings you strength, healing, and hope. Thinking of you and praying for you!

  20. Hey Dani, just wanted to know I'm thinking of you, you're so brave! Love :)

  21. This is the most beautiful and affirming statement I have read all day: "I know God has a plan so I stopped planning."
    You are absolutely beautiful. I cannot imagine the pain that you endure, but I can see that you enrich the lives of all whom you connect with. Thank you for sharing; for being are in my prayers..I send to you a huge energetic hug full of warmth, peace, joy. I came here to encourage and *you* lit my entire day!

  22. Hi Dani!

    I love your style and grace through your writting. You are so inspiring, stay strong!

  23. This is the bravest thing I've read in a long time. I really hope for a great prognosis for you, and I'll pray so that you can fix you little angel's hair for her prom. Lots of love!

  24. Dani, although we have never met, I am inspired by your story. You are so very brave and so very strong. Sending you love, support and prayers from afar!

  25. You are a beautiful writer - I can't believe English is your second language. Your daughter is so blessed to have an example of womanhood as strong as you. Hang in there, you have a lot of good left to do in this life and I pray you will be given that privilege. I hope you find comfort and peace, and a job. :)

  26. Im so touched to tears reading this, its just so much love and passion for life expressed in your text and its so clear what an amazing strong person you are and how much love you are able to express in your life. If you can grow from a challenge like this the way you do, what is impossible for you? Nothing is going to be impossible for you! I wish for you to really be able to ask for and recive all the support and love you need to go through this challening time. Sending all love to you and thank you for reminding us how precious life is! Warm heart

  27. Dearest Dani, I can't imagine the emotional or physical pain you are enduring. But you have such an amazing spirit! To have that goal to live 16 more years, until your daughter is grown, that is such a life saver, literally. God may have other plans for you, but to have that fighting spirit to say: I'm going to give everything I have so I can live for my daughter- that's the best thing you could be doing. Thinking positive, accepting help from others, looking and planning for the future, these are all things that are helpful. They are probably painful with all the "what if's" but I KNOW you will get through it. I wish you happiness and the strength and endurance to get you through. LOVE and prayers from Green Bay, WI

  28. You are an inspiration! Sending love your way, stay strong.x

  29. Dear Dani,
    If there's one thing I've learned in this lifetime...
    you're NEVER alone.
    True you are going through Cancer. I'd say I "hate" that word but we're not supposed to hate anything really.
    But miracles do happen. You will beat this.
    It's so refreshing to see you write your blog - because of someone else. You're giving hope and you need hope.
    We're here to help you with that.
    Dani, I hope you beat this and I trust you will. You're beautiful, kind and you have a daughter that needs you.
    I'm keeping you in my thoughts and sending you much love and joy.
    God bless

  30. Hi, Dani! I hope these comments bring a smile to your face. Stay strong! Love you. :)

  31. Dani,

    Much love and many prayers for healing for you and yours, whatever form God brings it in. May you be showered with blessings, know how loved you are and be able to rest and heal in that love. Thank you for sharing and allowing us to be touched by your beauty, love and bravery - and thank you for those you have helped and given courage to. And, as Joy said above, thank you for being you.


  32. You're incredible, keep fighting the good fight <3

  33. Dani,

    It's SO amazing that you have found a light via the good in people through such a difficult time. I can't even imagine receiving news like that, but you're truly pushing through and being an inspiration to so many people. That in and of itself, it what makes life worth living. I hope you have a full recovery and I wish you the best with all my heart. Continue being a beacon of hope - the world needs more people like you.

    Love and hugs,

  34. Dear Dani,

    I'm inspired by the tremendous strength and courage you've shown already. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sending lots of love and hugs from Colorado Springs,

  35. Your courage and heart are an example if greatness that more of us should follow. healing and positive vibes sent your way luv!

  36. Dani,

    I am moved to tears by your courage and the authenticity of your sharing. I am so sorry for the pain that you are living with and hope you can feel the waves of support and love that are being sent your way.

  37. Dani:
    I hope you are feeling strengthened by the good thoughts and prayers that people are sending your way. It's tough to hang in there some days, but you are doing and have done so many good things in your life. STAY STRONG and God bless.

  38. Hi Dani!
    God does indeed have a plan for you :) Praying for you to feel strength and love and peace at this time.
    Much love, Laura

  39. Dani,
    You are an inspiration. To your daughter, to other fighters, and certainly the general public. Keep up your fight, and we'll all be with you each step of the way.

  40. Im a mama too and your story affects me deeply. Im not hoping for 16 for you, Im envisioning another 56 years!!!!

    Sending your strength and peace (though you already sound so strong!)

  41. Dani,

    Your unwavering faith in God is inspiring and enviable. So many of us wish to let go and leave it in His hands when battling through much lesser problems. Please continue to live well for your daughter and share your faith with the rest of us. Every moment you are blessed to still be here is a benefit to all those around you.

  42. wow...I am so happy you started writing again! You are so inspirational, and I admire your sense of purpose. I've been searching for meaning for the last couple of years and I'd like to say that I think you've found the meaning of life and are truly doing all that you can to make every day count.

    Because we humans are aware that we are going to die and our life is limited, we have a special ability to plan for the future and to make goals for ourselves. Many people are afraid of death, but I am not, because as you said, it is part of the plan. Whether you are young or old, everyone dies sometime, so it is all about living in the now and enjoying each day. You can make your daughters life more beautiful by showing her how special she is, and no matter when you leave her, you will leave her filled with your love, and that will never go away. So you can know, that you have already fulfilled your purpose! I don't even know you, and I know that your love is strong enough! It will last for the rest of her life. All life is short lived, but you can create long lasting love and peace simply by sharing your love and your story with others. You've already succeeded. And in some ways, you have an advantage, because cancer has kicked your motivation into gear. Some people never realize their purpose in life because they think they are going to live forever. No amount of time is promised to us. We just have to make the best of each and every day. Continue to multiply your efforts for love and sharing your strength, and you will create waves of hope and joy forever more. Peace & Love to you and your family!

  43. You're much stronger than you think you are Dani! Seriously, anything is possible:)

  44. Dani,

    Your strength and mission in life - for your daughter; and to help others - is so inspiring, and I know the fact that it is selfless will keep you strong and get you healthier!

    Love, Emma

  45. I am sending a big hug your way Dani- you are so inspiring! You have the most beautiful attitude and I love the way you express yourself- you are truly awesome!

    You are on my mind and in my heart- much love!

  46. Dearest Dani,

    I am sharing another woman's story with you that I read today( because it seems like fate that I happened to read it today, on the same day that the LOVE BOMB is getting dropped on YOU!!! (Strange that I read it because I do not have cancer, nor do any of my loved ones.) Her name is Emily Evison. She, too is dealing with stage 4 cancer, and she found a community on Kris Carr's website (she wrote Crazy Sexy Cancer) of other women going through the same thing. I hope that you, too, can find strength in sharing your experiences with others going through the same things. You sound like a wonderful mother, and it's obvious that you are a very cool person. Please read this article that I read earlier today, and nourish your body so that it can keep you around for your daughter well beyond 16 more years! Be well and keep the faith.

    Love, Jessica

  47. I can just taste how strong you are from this post!
    Much blessings your way - will keep you and your daughter in my prayers :) Nothing is impossible with God! x

  48. God does indeed have plans for you, so trust Him. He is always with you. You have all my admiration for your strength. It has helped me to face my own problems with more determination. Keep it up for you and your family. Your daughter hasva great mom:). You will be in my daily prayers.
    Lots of love,
    Cova from Mexico

  49. Keep fighting. You are the true princesses that our young girls need to look up to! Some live their life without giving it their all - and mam you sure are showing all of us how to do it well! May you and your daughter live a life of blessings. Praying for you. Thank you for your inspiration! <3

  50. Hi Dani. Hang in there. Your daughter is lucky to have such a strong, loving and devoted mom.

    I don't have cancer, but I am in the process of making some pretty serious and scary life decisions, and I really need to hear this: "Right now I don't have a plan for the future. I don't even have a plan for tomorrow. I know god has a plan so I stopped planing." So thank you for that.

    I just read and will highly recommend the book The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, about teenagers with cancer. In case you're looking for something to fill some of that spare time.

    Take care. Be well.

  51. You are straight up AMAZING! I was literally crying when I read this. I don't know what to say...I was crying because of course it's a tough thing to read, but I think I was crying more at the character in you that shined through in this post! I mean, people like you don't come around often. The determination you have to see your daughter to college, that phrase that still resonates with me, "...if I die, you'll die with me." That is some ground-breaking, world-changing courage! I mean that! I've poked around on your blog since reading this post enough to know that you are a Christian and have an eternal hope, so I will pray for you (I would have anyway :-) that God will give you all the years and peace and pain-free living that you desire. God bless you...SO MUCH!!

    - Jonathan Ruth

  52. I am praying for your continued strength and sending you love and hugs.

  53. First off, your grammar is excellent. I tried for 6 years to learn German, even been, twice, for a month long visit each time and know NOTHING! :)

    Second, you are amazing. Keep writing, you are going to help a lot of people. You are strong and I have faith that you ARE stronger than Cancer.

    Much Love,

  54. You have an absolutely amazing attitude. I can't imagine dealing with all of that, but you definitely have a lot worth fighting for. I wish you strength and all the best!

  55. I am sending you the brightest thoughts and love to you and your daughter. Peace, prayers and love.

  56. You are such a brave and selfless person. Your daughter is so lucky to have an awesome mom like you. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.

  57. You are amazing!! I am in awe. Thank you so much for your strength and for your unfailing love for your family - you are living proof that the human spirit can beat anything. Stay strong! <3

  58. I'm praying you will have all the time you need, and then some. Miracles happen everyday, and I pray for miracles to come to you and heal you.

  59. Beautiful Dani you are strong, courageous and inspiring, and a wonderful mother. You are in my prayers. I am so thankful that you are trusting in God's plan. In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." And 1 Peter 5:7 says "Cast all your anxiety onto [God], because He cares for you."

    Please know that you are reaching so many people through sharing your story. You are doing a wonderful thing. Thank you. Much love ♥

  60. Keep your head up. Each day is a blessing and a new start.

  61. Dear beautiful lady;
    Your love will keep you strong. Know that you are not the only one, that there are people, loved ones, doctors, friends, and complete strangers such as myself, willing to support you in whatever way they can. Don't be afraid to reach out.
    Loving kindness and prayers for you and your family.

  62. You are one AMAZING lady! Feel the love across the miles from this mom to you. Blessings as you continue to run this race with determination. God DOES have a plan for you and for your daughter.

  63. Your strength and positive attitude are inspiring. You are in the thoughts and prayers of many! Sending you love and light.

  64. Hi Dani, lovely to meet you, keep on keepin on, it is the only thing to do and you do it so well. My thoughts are with you and yours, good luck.

  65. I just wanted to say that you are such a brave person and an inspiration to others. Best wishes and love from Hazel in Scotland x

  66. Wow, you have a great attitude, I wish you nothing but the best. My mom is going through breast cancer treatments now so I know firsthand how horrible doctors and hospitals and treatments can be. Stay strong, keep the great outlook and I will send positive thoughts and love your way. Take care!

  67. Keep fighting! You are an amazing, inspiring woman and the world needs you!

  68. Hi Dani - have you heard the Serenity Prayer before? It goes like this: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." From reading your post, it sounds like you have mastered that. You have the perfect balance of courage (that fighting spirit) and serenity (acceptance/peace with god's plan for you) -- and that takes a lot of wisdom and personal strength. I don't have cancer, but I do have an incurable, progressive, lifelong illness and your attitude towards your health situation is so inspiring to me. When things get tough (and like you, I have some good days but a lot of bad days, physically and mentally), I'm going to think about you and remember that if you could find a positive outlook despite having cancer, I can find a way to keep up my hope and faith too. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for that and wish you all the best as you navigate life with serious illness. Your daughter is so very lucky to have you, whether you're around for 16+ more years or not (although of course I'm hoping you will be). Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for the inspiration you're sharing and wish you all the best as you navigate life with cancer. On those bad days, just remember how strong you are and how much love & support is out here for you! It might not make the tests/treatments less scary or painful, but hopefully it will give you some comfort while you're going through them. :)

  69. I'm so sorry for everything you are going through. You are an inspiration to so many and we are all praying and sending positive, healing energy to you. I believe in miracles and I hope you do too. I believe you will receive one.

  70. I'm sending you light, love and strength! Take good care!
    With love,

  71. Your attitude and ambition is inspiring. Continue to bless people with your strength and courage. Faith Hope Love. I'll be praying

  72. Dani -- good luck and stay strong. Reward yourself for any accomplishments, no matter how large or small (including, some days, getting out of bed). Surround yourself with people who love you... and kick this thing's ass. I hope that's not too PG-13.

  73. Dani-you have been lovebombed! I am praying for you and your family!

  74. The world needs more inspiring people like you. Your daughter must be very proud of you.

  75. You're story is so incredible! Stay strong lady. Sending you lots of love and positive vibes!

  76. Dani, it's ironic that one of my closest friends in the world is also named Daniela, because I care for her very deeply. I'd like to extend that same care to you! You are a seriously beautiful woman, and even more so in your courage against your TEMPORARY illness. You are kind and considerate, in that you thought of your daughter first, and didn't wallow in self-pity. You have already been blessed to have such a spirit, and I pray in the name of Yahushua (Jesus) for your deliverance from this cancer! Keep up that wonderful spirit and belief in yourself - it is now, and will be, an inspiration to many people.

  77. dear dani:
    this was a great post... i love your vulnerability and thnk that you are definitely helping others by keeping this online journal. your daughter is beautiful and i hope your days are filled with love and hugs from her. yes, cancer, move over and just let dani be.

  78. Such an inspiration to all and especially for your daughter! What a wonderful role model you are for her! Keep the faith.

  79. Thank you for reminding me that everyday is a blessing. Your honesty and strength are incredible... your daughter is one lucky girl to have you in her life!

  80. Dani - You are an amazingly brave and strong woman, and an inspiration. Your daughter is truly lucky to have you to show her an example of such strength and courage. Never give up.

  81. You are so strong and brave, you can't let cancer beat you. It's so wonderful how your daughter is your inspiration to fight. Keep fighting and don't ever stop, you're an inspiration to every one else out there struggling with cancer.

  82. This is strong and cool of you what you're doing. Love your way

  83. You are an inspiration-please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  84. Hey,
    Just wanted to say you are awesome for not giving in, for making a decision that you are going to live for your daughter. That kind of courage inspires me, and I wish you lots and lots of good luck :)
    Love from Baltimore

  85. Dani God Bless you! You know he has a time for everything.
    There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven ~
    2 A time to give birth, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted.
    3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to tear down, and a time to build up.
    4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; A time to mourn, and a time to dance.
    5 A time to throw stones, and a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, and a time to shun embracing.
    6 A time to search, and a time to give up as lost; A time to keep, and a time to throw away.
    7 A time to tear apart, and a time to sew together; A time to be silent, and a time to speak.
    8 A time to love, and a time to hate; A time for war, and a time for peace.
    9 What profit is there to the worker from that in which he toils? 10 I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves. 11 He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good in one's lifetime; 13 moreover, that every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor, it is the gift of God. 14 I know that everything God does will remain forever; there is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it, for God has so worked that men should fear Him. 15 That which is has been already, and that which will be has already been, for God seeks what has passed by."
    Dani it is a time for you to sew Gods seed and share your experiences with others. He still has a purpose for you so continue to make him proud. He will be there with you through this time of your life and when the time comes he will let you know. God Bless you and stay strong through the Lord.

  86. You are absolutely and utterly amazing! Hugs to you and your family.. I can tell from your attitude and determination things will turn out just as you want them!!!

  87. Dani - you are an inspiration. I'm sending you lots of love.


  88. Dear Dani,

    What an amazing message of courage and strength this is. I know there are many people who need to hear this, I think we all do at some time or another. Please know you're touching more people than you realize, around the world. And although you may not hear all their voices you're in their thoughts and prayers. I'm one of those people.

    Please never stop hoping, never stop dreaming and never stop loving.

    Hugs and the best of wishes from Toronto.

  89. Dani ~ I'm crying at how beautiful and moving your story is. You are so brave! You are such a huge inspiration to be brave and like you said, let things happen as they may and stop planning. Thank you for sharing this with me and the world. You are changing people's changed mine. You rock girl!

  90. Stay strong and keep up the amazing effort with inspiring others and sharing your love. All the very best xx

  91. You are amazing to me because you are a do-er. You are saying, "Here's the next step. Here are the things I'd like to accomplish. Here's what I'd like to discover." I love that! All of our lives will end eventually, so we can spend our time dreading the end or filling our life with what we want it to be filled with. And you are doing the latter. That is so awesome!

  92. May every breath bring you peace and healing. Much love to you and your family.

  93. Dani, my sister-in-law was diagnosed with late stage breast cancer and given 6 months to live. She lived for another 20 years. Please never give up hope and know that you have many people praying for you and that miracles can and do happen.

  94. You are such a brave and inspiring person. You are an amazing woman, and I hope with all my heart you get those 16 years you want...and more!

    You'll be in my prayers. Stay awesome, even when it's incredibly hard!

  95. I hope you are feeling all the love you need today.
    Keep fighting for your little one. It is worth it.

  96. you.

    that is all.

  97. Dani,

    You ARE helping others and are so brave to do so! Thank you. Keep the positive thoughts close to your heart and never stop fighting.

  98. You are a true angel on earth. I'm so impressed and you are such an inspiration to others. You shine a light on this world and the world is better with you here. You are in my prayers,

  99. Dani - we haven't met but I feel 100% confident that you have and will continue to inspire and help far more people than you will ever know. Your writing is amazing and your courage and passion for life just shines through your words. You are an amazing role model for your daughter. I offer you hugs on your bad days and smiles on the good days. We are all here standing along side you in your battle. Marni

  100. Dear Dani, Liebe Dani,

    For a rare occassion I hope the doctors are wrong in their estimations of years you have left and that your little daugther gets to become tired her mum keeps scooping out her wisdom. So once she turns 35, your little girl will realise and think "how could I possibly have made it without my mum?".

    Ich finde Ihr idee von anderen helfen sehr beindrückend. Wie schöne wäre wohl die Welt wenn alle ein langsam wachsenden Krebsform hätten? Menschenliebe und Menschenfreundlichkeit ohne ende.

    Ich wünsch Ihnen und Ihre Tochter ein Wunderschönen Tag.

    Aller liebste Grüsse

  101. Sending you much love and positive thoughts from afar. xo

  102. You are a courageous young woman. Keep fighting! Your daughter is beautiful! Many love and prayers sent your way!

  103. Dani, wanted to just let you know how loved you are. You're an amazing mom and an amazing person. I'm praying for you! Much love and hugs!

  104. Dani,
    I'm so moved by your strength and courage; your daughter will certainly be proud to have such an amazing Mom!!!

    Sending love and big big hugs,

    British Columbia, Canada

  105. Hey Dani. :) I can't say that I know how you feel, because I don't. Or not exactly. What I know is that Cancer is a bitch, and that being so brave and strong when it's trying to bring you down, is incredible. In this blog you seem so so strong, and your daughter is so lucky to have you. Just stay strong, the strength you have already shown is inspirational. Your courage is just as awe-inspiring, and I know I've already said it, but your little girl is so so lucky to have a mum like you. Stay strong, you are in my prayers. xxxxxx

  106. I love your determination and strength. Keep your head up high, sending my best to you and your family throughout radiation and beyond!

  107. Hi, Danny. I just want you to know that I think you are such a brave person to stay strong through all this. It takes real courage to not let an obstacle in life bring you down or destroy your spirit. You are so strong and it is so inspiring. I am praying for you and your family as you walk through this. Keep your head up, stay strong and always remember that God never fails and always loves. He is with you through all of this and has such a wonderful plan in store for you.

  108. Wow! You are clearly an amazing lady and a great inspiration and I am profoundly grateful that I have had the opportunity to learn about you and your life via your blog today!

    Dani, your English is outstanding and you should never doubt your ability to communicate as there is no doubt in my mind about the things you are going through and what courage you are facing them with! It must be like a constant roller coaster of worry and pain and sometimes every now and again a little hope! And it seems to me that the way you have approached it all with such great courage makes it clear that your daughter has the greatest role model in you that a parent could ever wish for...

    I wish you all the time that you so richly deserve with your daughter and may those days be pain free and filled with joy and happiness for you both.

    With love and light to you!

  109. Dani, stay strong! Man muss entweder der Hammer oder Amboß sein

  110. You are SO incredibly strong and inspiring.

  111. Hi,Dani! You are beautiful human being - manifesting light and radiating love! I wish you and your family all the best!
    Lots of love!

  112. Dear Dani,
    How uplifting it is for me to read your post. Thank you so much for sharing. I come from a high risk breast cancer family and at age 56, have been blessed to "dodge the bullet" so far. I wonder, though, if people who have not been through great difficulty and challenge are missing out on the most important part of life? How do they get to see the best in people as you have had the opportunity to do or to experience great personal growth as there is nowhere to go but up? I have been through a life changing tragedy, although it was not physical as yours is. I would NEVER want to go through it again but it was through that experience that I really learned the kind of person I am and what I am made of. I learned that I am indeed a strong woman. I learned compassion for others and was blessed by many kind hearts along the way. I think it was my "holy grail" and I came up out of it like a Phoenix from the ashes. You are doing that, too. You have been given the opportunity (although it may not seem like one)to dig down deep and pull out all of your gifts and strengths and to see the same in those closest to you. GOOD always comes from bad. I know that you know this very well now. There is a saying that I clung to during my difficult hours. I hope it will help you, too:
    "When one door closes, another opens, but we often look so long and regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." (Alexander Graham Bell)
    I believe a new door has opened to you and you are well on your way in this new chapter of your life. Very scary, I can not even begin to imagine how it must be for you, but there is always Someone there to hold your hand and guide you through. May you be blessed to recognize all of the gooness, growth and power that is coming to you and is in you as well! Great woman that you are! You deserve the world and I believe you are experiencing it with totally different eyes than before. Not many people ever have that opportunity.

  113. dani, you are one very beautiful woman, and you are so inspiring. i hope god brings you a miracle so that you and your daughter will live happily ever after xx you are an absolute angel and i wish you all the best, with all the love in the world xx

  114. Your courage is so inspiring. There are of course bad days, but if you keep that little ray of hope alive, you will inspire and encourage so many others. Well done.

  115. Dani,

    After I read that you continued your blog because you changed one other person's life is all I needed to know about you. It speaks volume of your character and the hope you are spreading to others who might want to give up. I hope you continue to fight strong and believe that anything is possible. You are a beautiful person with the same power of us all to change the lives of others for the better.

  116. Your strength is truly admirable. God knows if I was in the same position if I'd have an ounce of the courage you do... I hope things work out well. I hope you get those 16 years and many more.

  117. Dani,

    I admire your strength and I know it gives courage to others who may read this as they push through the hardships in their lives. I know it inspires me. I hope these few words help to continue that strength. My thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless.

  118. Dani, I will keep you and Chloe in my prayers. Dani you are gutsy and determined and know what you want for your life-a lot more than most people. I sincerely hope that you receive all that and more! Please know that you are an inspiration to many. I wish you all the best! Angie xx

  119. My aunt had cancer for almost twenty years. It seemed as if every doctors appointment they were telling her that he had only a year to live. THEY SAID THAT TO HER FOR TWENTY YEARS!!!. She kept a positive attitude and put her trust in God. It was nice to know that the doctors were wrong. Through her breast cancer she inspired young people, and live a full life that was normal. She didn't let cancer beat her! She stayed upbeat and positive through the whole thing. I'm sure you will do the same thing and continue to think positive. My prayers are with you.

  120. First, I must say, you are an inspiration and you ROCK! And, may I just add that your English is EXCELLENT?! It is! You write and express yourself far better than many native speakers!!! :) I don't think I'd have realized you weren't a native English speaker if you hadn't mentioned it.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers. I honestly don't know what to write ... how can I help you get through this trying time, dear one? I just want you to know that you are loved, that people are rooting for you (supporting you and cheering you on), and you are not alone.
    And -- YOU ARE STRONG!
    Love and best wishes, beautiful one!

  121. You are so brave and a wonderful mother! I can only guess how difficult it must have been to find out about the cancer spreading. you sound like you have a great attitude and I hope that the little love and support I can send out with this comment is enough to keep you striving ahead (although I'm pretty sure your daughter has the handle on that :) ). You are truly and inspiration. What a lucky daughter you have to have a mother like you. I wish you all the best in your treatment and in your life as you strive ahead with bravery and strength!
    Much love

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